
About DLG

Impulses for progress
DLG - the foundation on which innovation and progress are built

The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) was founded by the engineer and author Max Eyth in the year 1885. It has over 31,000 members and is a leading organisation in the agricultural and food sectors.

Free and independent

The DLG is an expert organisation, open to all and politically independent.

Dedicated to progress
The DLG’s mandate is to promote technical and scientific progress. With its projects and activities the DLG sets standards and provides impulses for progress.

International orientation

The DLG operates internationally. It shares knowledge and expertise worldwide with leading international practitioners, experts and other specialist organisations. 

Its activity areas are: 

Our field of work: Agriculture

Since its foundation in 1885, the DLG has dedicated itself to imparting knowledge and promoting quality along the entire process chain from agriculture to the food industry.

Our field of work: Food

Since it was founded in the year 1885, DLG has devoted itself to transferring knowledge and promoting quality along the entire process chain, from farming right through to the food industry.

DLG Test Center Machinery & Farm Inputs

The DLG Test Centre in Groß-Umstadt provides farmers with information that is an important decision-making aid for investments and practical use.

DLG Competence Center Agriculture

Around 3,000 experts contribute their know-how on a voluntary basis to committees, commissions and quality audits.


The DLG exhibitions offer a platform for presenting innovations, modern products, methods and services and for fostering intensive dialogue.